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It’s Constitutional. Bitches.


Ever the exemplar of dignity and class, the DNC succinctly distilled the essence of contempt that Democrat statists have for Americans who still cling (bitterly so, according to B.H. Obama) to such antiquated notions as personal liberty and the rule of law.

Thus Patrick Gaspard’s Twitter hip shot after learning that SCOTUS ultimately upheld the Constitutionality of Obamacare.

The 5 to 4 decision came as a complete surprise thanks to Chief Justice Roberts who – for reasons known only to himself and God – assumed Justice Kennedy’s place as the swing vote and sided with Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Breyer. For his part, Justice Kennedy – in a rare moment of jurisprudential lucidity – joined Associate Justices Alito, Scalia and Thomas when he correctly asserted that the Affordable Health Care Act was entirely unconstitutional.

But none of that matters now and all post-decision analysis and chatter we are reading and hearing is little more than intellectual posturing and jaw-flapping. The fact remains that Obamacare is now the law of the land, declared constitutional because the mandate amounts to a “tax.” The very thing on which the Tea Party movement expended so much time and effort to defeat is now the law of the land.

Here’s the bottom line: if Obamacare is not strangled in the bassinet while still in its infancy, it will grow into a Golem that will destroy the United States.

I chose these words very carefully. Obamacare will never destroy liberty per se, because it will always live on in the hearts and minds of people and states that still treasure it. Nor will it ever destroy the concept of a free market republic that enshrines personal liberty for the very same reason: as long as there are Americans and American states that treasure these things, they will be preserved.

What will be destroyed is the Union. If Obamacare is ever fully implemented, you can make book that at least a dozen states will act to nullify it. Unfortunately, nullification begs retaliation by the federal government (ask the folks in Arizona about federal retaliation). At some point, the confrontation will escalate until the states have no other option left to them but…secession from the Union. After that, of course, comes civil war where, in the words of Shakespeare, “civil blood makes civil hands unclean.”

There is one and only one way to avert this catastrophe: not only must Obama be decisively defeated in the November election, but the Democrats in Congress must be routed so thoroughly and completely as to make the 2010 election look like a high school popularity contest. Flawed as he is, Mitt Romney is infinitely more preferable to Barack Obama: at the bottom line, Romney is no Marxist and he clearly has no desire to destroy our republic or the free market system. There can be no question that he must be elected president – and by a margin that overcomes what I expect to be the most audacious attempt at vote fraud in this nation’s history.

As for Congress, while the Republicans constitute a majority in the House it is a sad fact of political life that many of those elected in the wake of the Tea Party movement in 2010 have since gone RINO and joined the Establishment. Another significant wave of Reaganites is necessary to reinforce the Tea Party caucus in the House, where 242 Republicans outnumber 190 Democrats. In order to create a veto-proof majority, it will be necessary to pick up an additional 46 seats.

In the Senate, the Democrats have the majority with 53 members. In order to create a veto-proof majority, the Republicans will have to pick up an additional 13 seats.

Why a veto-proof majority? Because in the four months remaining in this campaign, there is no ironclad guarantee that Mitt Romney will prevail over Barack Obama – despite the Arizona and Obamacare rulings. If fact, my inner Eeyore is still convinced that this will be the closest presidential election in our history, with Obama prevailing by a fraudulent margin. I’ve been wrong before on these kinds of prognostications and I hope to God I’m wrong again, because if Obama is re-elected and the Republicans lack a veto-proof majority in Congress, there will be civil war in this nation’s future.

The key to this victory lies with the Tea Party movement, just as it did in 2010. But if you think we will be reliving the heady days of 2009/2010, you are delusional.

In those days, the movement was fresh and vibrant – full of the proverbial piss and vinegar. It reached a crescendo with the September 12, 2009 Great March on Washington and then became totally energized after the Democrat-controlled Congress rammed Obamacare down our throats at the end of the year. There was one objective in 2010 – the repeal of Obamacare – and at that time, the individual Tea Party groups had not coalesced into the fiefdoms that most of them have since become. The landslide Republican victory in November resulted in GOP control of the House, but in the aftermath, many of the freshman Tea Party Representatives were eventually co-opted and assimilated by the Establishment – which made no serious attempt to dismantle Obamacare or reduce the deficit.

Since then, time and a crumbling economy have taken their toll on the rank and file of the Tea Party movement: many of them lost their jobs, their savings, their homes and even their families. Battling the constant barrage of lawless actions on the part of the Obama Regime – coupled with infighting, turf-wars and a ceaseless effort on the part of the Establishment to co-opt or marginalize them has left many Tea Party groups in a state of complete exhaustion. This isn’t to say they have become catatonic and their collective reaction to the recent SCOTUS rulings is anything but lethargic.

By way of example, here is a recent e-mail blast from the Bayshore Tea Party group that I believe captures the spirit of kindred organizations in New Jersey and around the country:

Hi Everyone,



I can’t tell you how many people came into the office today to say hello, donate money, say they will help.  I had phone calls, emails…..it was crazy!!  I also had an interview with the Asbury Park Press.

We would like to have a Repeal ObamaCare Rally on Sunday from 11-1 at the Middletown P.O. hwy 35 Middletown.

Bring signs to show the people that we are there for them.  We will fight this and we will win !

Staten Island Tea Party is having one on Saturday.  See their facebook page for details.

I have to tell you this on a personal level.  Most of you know how I feel about Mitt Romney.

Well, I think I have come to the point where I know I must support him.  I am not certain he will do all he says he will, but I must have faith.  I feel that it’s all I can do right now.  Obama MUST go and we will have to work hard to hold Romney’s feet to the fire.

I just wanted you all to know that, for whatever it’s worth.  I cannot stomach the thought of Obama having another four years. Romney may not be a Conservative…..but I don’t think he is a marxist American hater like the usurper in Chief that we now have!


Please join us in a HUGE rally on Sunday!!!!

F R E E D O M !!!!!!!!


I admire the spunky determination of the Bayshore patriots and have no doubt they will do their utmost to secure the defeat of Obama and the election of a Republican majority in Congress.

Now for the brutal slap in the face that brings everyone back to reality: yes, I realize a new jolt of determination has energized the Tea Party movement. But this isn’t the same movement as the one that marched on Washington two years ago. In many respects, it has been weakened and the individual groups have become islands unto themselves. In the scope of national and even statewide political warfare, all of their individual rallies, phone calls and letter-writing campaigns will amount to precisely…dick.

Anyone who has ever fired a shotgun understands that the blast has far greater destructive power ten feet out of the barrel than it does a hundred feet away because at closer range, the individual shot pellets are closer together.

Bottom line: the heady days of protest rallies and marches on Washington are over and the past year and a half has been spent involving ourselves in the political process. Unfortunately, the very nature of the movement makes this, at best, a touch-and-go proposition: although most Tea Party organizations share the same basic ideology of limited government, lower taxes, less spending and greater liberty, they exist as localized entities whose effective reach does not go very far beyond the county in which they are headquartered.

In this divided state of existence, each can be isolated and marginalized by an Establishment all too eager to see them become extinct. Their individual efforts will not have nearly the power and effect on the political process as a united effort would, a fact made painfully clear by the recent SCOTUS rulings.

Fellow patriots, the time has come for organizations throughout the Garden State – and the nation – to take the next step in the evolution of the Tea Party movement: UNITE.


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